Producer of “Segn El Nisaa” Responds to Accusation of Misrepresenting Female Jailers

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  • 01:16 AM - 22 July 2014
  • 1 photo

Producer Gamal El Adlresponded to the accusations that have been recently directed to him over his television series “ Segn El Nisaa” for misrepresenting female jailers in Egypt, calling the accusations “naive” and that such allegations keep appearing every year to different people working in the field.

In an interview with , El Adl stated that any work of art that depicts some bad examples from different occupations, such as policemen, journalists, or preachers, and others, gets accused in the same manner, and he considered such disputes as obstacles against the production of television series, and art in general in Egypt.

He wondered “Everybody requests making advanced drama. How could there be advanced drama without depicting drawbacks of the society?”, he added “Characters in Segn El Nisaa are not by any means related to real people, and the content of the series will not by any means affect a certain group or field or occupation, and that such allegations are only useless obstacles against art.”

He also added that reaching a positive outcome will not be achieved without confronting our drawbacks, and that the series depicts destructive phenomena in order for the collective consciousness to come up with solutions to end them once and for all, giving examples with prostitution, murder, theft and harassment, all of which appear in the series.

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