Israeli Embassy Criticizes "Haret El Yahood"

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  • 11:56 PM - 24 June 2015
  • 1 photo

Few days after the Israeli embassy in Egypt praised the television series " Haret El Yahood" (The Jews Alley) on its official Facebook page, it returned to criticize it yesterday.

The attack came seven episodes into the series, which depicts the period of political and sectarian turmoil before and after the 1952 coup d'état.

"We feel that the series is starting to take a negative approach in its views about Israel as a nation, depicting it as a monster who wants destroy everybody…… unfortunately, 36 years after a peace treaty was signed between Egypt and Israel, the instigation against Israel continues, in an attitude that has no match among all other friendly countries.", the page stated in its aforementioned post.

Earlier, the same page had expressed it's enthusiasm about the series, stating that they have noticed how it depicts Jews in their natural, human form for the first time in decades.

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