Biographies: Abdel Mohsen Al Refaie - Writer


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A Kuwaiti poet, born in Kuwait as Ferej Shamlan in 1929. He received his education at the Mubarakiya School and the Ahmadiyya School. He was included in government work until he retired in the mid-seventies. He is the Director of Cultural Affairs at the Ministry of Defense. He worked as a Secretary of the Kuwaiti Writers Association, Secretary of the Artists Association. He founded with the poets Suleiman Al-Huwaidi and Murshid Al-Bathal the Diwaniya of Nabat poets and worked as the Secretary of the Diwaniya of Nabat poets since its inception until the end of the eighties. He wrote the lyrics of the song, I Can't Sleep by Abdel Halim Hafez. He collaborated with a number of Arab artists. such as Hoda Zayed, and other singers. He had a successful experience with the opera, perhaps the most famous of which is “The Past and Present” operetta presented by Ibrahim Al-Salal and a number of actors and the “Operetta Saim” performed by Abdul Hussein Abdul Reda. He passed away on October 4, 2002.