Biographies: Bahaa Ghazawy - Writer


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An Egyptian director and writer. He graduated from the Higher Institute of Cinema, Directing Department in 1992. He started his career as a director and worked for Hotspot films in Dubai from 2004 to 2007, as a producer from 2005 to 2007, and executive producer from 2008 to 2014 in the same company. He directed two short films: The Attic (1992), produced by the Higher Institute of Cinema, and The Staircase (1993) produced by the National Center for Cinema. He also directed several documentaries, including From the Flower to the Tree (1994), The Moment of Breakfast (1995), and Day and Night in Cairo (1996), in addition to producing and editing some of his other films, including We Were Soldiers (2004), and To Sing (2005). He also directed two programs "Khatwat" (1999) about Egyptian designers and "Creators in the Shadows" (2000-2001). He received many awards, including the Munich Youth Festival Award for the film The Attic in 1993 and the Ismailia Festival for Short and Documentary Films for the film The Staircase in the same year. He also won two awards at the Al Jazeera Documentary Festival for the films The Eagle's Way, and The Field, respectively in 2005 and 2006.