Carmina Garay كارمينا جاراي


An American actress, born on August 11, 2004, in California. She is the daughter of actor and performer Joaquin Garay III, granddaughter of actor and entertainer Joaquin Garay, niece of actor Ricky Garay, and niece of Grammy Award-winning producer and engineer Val Garay. She...Read more began her career in 2010 and is known for Diary of a Future President (2020-2021), PEN15 (2019-2020), and The Conners (2020).

    • Nationality:
    • US

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  • An American actress, born on August 11, 2004, in California. She is the daughter of actor and performer Joaquin Garay III, granddaughter of actor and entertainer Joaquin Garay,...Read more niece of actor Ricky Garay, and niece of Grammy Award-winning producer and engineer Val Garay. She began her career in 2010 and is known for Diary of a Future President (2020-2021), PEN15 (2019-2020), and The Conners (2020).


  • Nationality:
  • US
