Mustafa Rasheed مصطفى رشيد


A Bahraini actor, born on June 7, 1968 in Bahrain. He started his career as a choreographer in plays in addition to acting and then worked as a director. His most famous series was The Shadow of Jasmine (2008). He directed several series, including Life's Stories (2005). He won...Read more several awards, such as the Best Theatrical Direction Award for the play Macbeth and the Jury Prize at the Radio and Television Festival for Songs of the Comfortable.

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  • A Bahraini actor, born on June 7, 1968 in Bahrain. He started his career as a choreographer in plays in addition to acting and then worked as a director. His most famous series was...Read more The Shadow of Jasmine (2008). He directed several series, including Life's Stories (2005). He won several awards, such as the Best Theatrical Direction Award for the play Macbeth and the Jury Prize at the Radio and Television Festival for Songs of the Comfortable.

