Donia Samir Ghanem is to Replace Rania Youssif Due to the Latter’s Excesses

  • News
  • 01:19 AM - 13 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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In a development that follows Rania Youssif’s request for 8 million pounds as compensation for her assuming a leading role alongside Hany Ramzy in the upcoming television series “A’rees Delivery”, the party in charge of the production, Media Production City, has decided to replace the aforementioned performer with Donia Samir Ghanem. Officials at the Media Production City were of the opinion that Rania had requested a compensation that was rather excessive adding that compensations of that sort are only paid to the most esteemed performers of the likeness of Yosra, Leila E’lwy and Ilham Shahin. Actress Donia Samir Ghanem has as of yet not given her response, be it an acceptance or a rejection, to the offer. This latest development may delay the filming of the series which was scheduled to commence towards the end of the current month of December. “A’rees Delivery” is a comedy which portrays the life of a youth of modest means who develops an attraction towards a young women whom he subsequently marries. Soon afterwards the youth desires to divorce his new wife but is unable to do so due to unusual conditions which would preside if a divorce were to take place. Thus the situation unfolds in a comedic setting. Actress Hala Fakher takes part in the production. The screenplay is credited to Hamdy Youssif while Ashraf Salim serves as the series’ director.

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