Edward: I’ve Made Up for the Failure of “Al Akadimiyeh” with the Success of “Heyalhom Beynhom”

  • News
  • 12:58 PM - 13 December 2010
  • 3 photos

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Actor Edward has asserted that he regrets his participation in the film “Al Akadimiyeh” describing it as a failure. Furthermore Edward has added that delegating directorial duties to more than one director is among the chief causes that contributed to that production’s failure. Thus, the production was plagued with lack of cohesion so that the end result was not what was originally envisioned. Edward further added that he had agreed to partake in the production because he believed that he would have the opportunity to work with a new director, Mohamed Anis. However, Edward was surprised to learn that Anis was taken off the project and replaced with director Isma’il Farouq – a substitution which would later detract from the work in Edward’s opinion. In an unrelated note Edward has expressed his satisfaction with the production “Heylhom Beynhom Men Al Akhar” and with the positive reception it has found amongst audiences. Edward further asserted that the aforementioned production is amongst the most successful works he has been involved in throughout his career. Nonetheless, Edward will not return for another season on that show due to the fact that he has “reached his limit”, as he describes.Worthy of note is that Edward has recently concluded filming his role in the movie “Iza’at Houb” (“Amorous Broadcast”) which will be available in theaters soon. In that production Edward assumes the role of a youth named “Dongal” who is a close friend of announcer “Sherif Salama”, the title’s lead character. Muna Shalaby and Yousra El Lozy also participate in the production which was directed by Ahmed Samir Farag. The screenplay is credited to Mohamed Nayer.

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