Angelina Jolie Sets for an Adventure this Christmas

  • News
  • 10:29 AM - 19 December 2010
  • 2 photos

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Angelina Jolie further added that she has bought Christmas gift for her six children indicating that the gifts are “ready to be handed over”. It should be noted that Angelina Jolie is currently promoting her latest title “The Tourist”, a work which saw her act alongside Johnny Depp. Hollywood legend Angelina Jolie has announced that she is preparing to undergo a unique adventure with her family this Christmas. The website for American magazine “People” has carried a statement by Jolie in which she responded to queries about what exactly she intends to do. To this effect Jolie has answered: “We will travel with the children to a random location which we will select together” adding that “we will go through an adventure seeing as that is what we ought to do.”

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