Dalia al-Beheiry: Mubarak was unjust and his departure will usher in a new era

  • News
  • 11:47 AM - 19 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Actress Dalia al-Beheiry expects that Egypt will begin a new era which will be better in all respects following Mubarak’s departure, a figure whom she has described as “unjust”. Dalia adds that during Mubarak’s reign corruption had permeated all sectors and that the success of the revolution will change the face of the Arab World from the Atlantic to the Gulf.Dalia also expressed her hope in taking part in a cinematic or television title that narrates the heroic actions of youths who sacrificed themselves in order for the revolution to succeed as she believes that that is the least that she could do as an actress for the martyrs and heroes of the revolution.

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