Actress "Dorra" will never quit acting

  • News
  • 02:49 PM - 10 July 2011
  • 3 photos

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Actress Dorra stated that she is not about to leave her acting career even if her future husband (now her fiance) asked her to do that. Her fiance (a Tunisian Business man) met her and married her as an actress and that does not contradict with being a good wife and mum.During an interview she made on "Dream Channel" in a program called "Ya mesaharni" she stated that she met her fiance through common acquaintances. She added that she expects him to support her acting career just like she will support his career. She also promised him that her work will stay above a certain level. She also added that she will get married after Ramadan and will be going back and forth between Egypt and Tunisia.

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