"Mona Zaki" shares episodes 18 with "Hanan Tork" in the series "Nouna The Matrimonial Lady"

  • News
  • 06:38 AM - 14 August 2011
  • 3 photos

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Producer Khaled Helmy owner of Radio One Production Company had stated that star Mona Zaki will appear in episode 18 of the series “Nouna the matrimonial lady” which stars actress Hanan Tork. The reason this was not advertised in the promotion of the series was to respect Mona Zaki’s wish of not wanting her role publicized at the time. Some sources say that the reason Mona Zaki participated as a guest of honor in the series was to thank Hanan Tork for coming on the program “Say what you feel” that was complied and produced by her husband actor Ahmed Helmy production company called Shadows. The program was bought by the cbc channel.

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