Bassem Samra prepares to film the series “Thaat”

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  • 04:44 PM - 10 November 2011
  • 1 photo

Egyptian actor Bassem Samra is getting ready to film his new series “Thaat” starring Nelly Karim, Intesar, Hani Adel and many more. The series is directed by Kamla Abu Zekry and written by Mariam Naoom.The series depicts the political and social changes that Egypt has gone through starting from 1925 until today. The series is expected to play during Ramadan 2012. Currently actor Bassem Samra is also getting ready for another series called “El Alma Basha” opposite actor and performer Lucy, where he will play the role of her son. During the month of Ramadan Bassem played the role of Fathi El Rayan in the series that was a lot of success called “Al Rayan”.

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