Angelina Jolie: A conversation about my mother is my weakness

  • News
  • 12:52 AM - 29 November 2011
  • 1 photo

The American star Angelina Jolie stated to the famous American program 60 minutes that she feels small compared to her mother Marcheline Bertrand who passed away in 2007, despite the fact that Angelina thirty six years old is a dedicated mother to six children, three of them biologically from her companion star Brad Pitt and three others adopted, she feels that she will never be as tender and dedicated as her mother was, at the utmost kindness and generosity. Her children came before her personal life and work.Jolie admits while holding her tears that talking about her mother is her weakness but at the same time she appreciates the lessons of motherhood which she learned from her.Also added that recently she is directing and doing her best to bring happiness to her children and wish to be a proud mother, especially as she is getting ready for her first cinematic work directed by her “In The Land of Blood and Honey” which will be out in 23rd of December.

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