Saddam Hussien’s story “Zabiba and the King” transforms into an American movie

  • News
  • 11:44 PM - 17 December 2011
  • 2 photos

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American Paramount Production Company released a small video of “The Dictator” movie that is expected in theaters soon, across the personal company on YouTube, and had high demand for those who follow YouTube, as it had mostly received funny comments because it is a comedy movie.It has been released under the name of dictator, starring American actors Sacha Baron Cohen and Megan Fox, who appears with her real personality, the movie revolves in comedy around a president dictator who loves America and loves to wander in its streets with a camel.According to Paramount Production Company data, which was released earlier this year, that this movie is taken from “Zabiba and the King” story written by President Saddam Hussien before his death.

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