Latifa hopes to see Egypt on the similar path to that of Tunisia.

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  • 11:57 AM - 18 December 2011
  • 1 photo

Tunisian singer Latifa excitedly expressed her happiness now that there is a transition of power in her country and finally its people will get what they deserve whether it be social justice and equality or merely a decent life after the exile of ex president Zain el Abedeen Ben Ali whose tormenting period of ruling ended with the Tunisian revolution.In a statement to “Al Masry Al Yoom” newspaper, Latifa explained that she is very optimistic about the new president Mohamed Al Monsef Al Marzooky who was for the first time chosen by the people. Latifa also added that she is not worried that the dominant party is an Islamic one; she believes that this party has been abused, rejected and marginalized throughout the years and it’s time for them to show Tunisia what they can offer. She also believes its best to give them a chance before judging them especially that they were chosen by the people.Finally, Latifa hoped that Egypt would take the same path as Tunisia into a more prosperous future protected by its people.

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