Singer Sandy has finished better than many..

  • News
  • 09:51 AM - 16 January 2012
  • 5 photos

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According to her media spokesman, singer Sandy finished shooting the video clip of her new song titled “Ahsan Min Kteer” (Better than Many). He also mentioned that the clip was done using three high tech Arril Alex cameras and Diablo High Speed Cameras and the shooting took place in Dubai. This clip is directed by American director David Zain whom Sandy prefers working with all the time. The song’s lyrics are from Jamal Al Kholy, and music by Tamer Ali and distributed by Ahmed Ibrahim. The song is from Sandy’s new album that also includes “Ayza Aollak”, “Ahla Hayat”, “ Ad El Tahady 2”, “Mohbata” and “Zay Adty”. The album is produced by The Beat Music and distributed by Al Dalta Sound.

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