Nicole Saba is Ahmed El Sakka’s host in the movie “Baba"

  • News
  • 11:32 AM - 29 January 2012
  • 1 photo

Lebanese pop star Nicole Saba agreed to be a guest of honor in Ahmed El Sakka’s new movie “Baba”.Although it is not very clear yet as to what Nicole’s role in the movie will be, however, it is known that the movie is a romantic comedy that is being filmed between Aswan and the studios in Cairo. According to schedule there is only 8 weeks of filming left to complete the movie.“Baba” is written by Zeinab Aziz and directed by Ali Idrees. Starring in the movie will also be Dorra, Salah Abdulla, Edward, Khaled Sarhan, Omar Al Saeed , Sulliman Eid and Eman El Sayed.It has not yet been decided as to when the movie will be released, although it will most likely be during the summer in a way that does not contradict with Ahmed El Sakka’s other movie “The Interest”

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