Mansour Zayed is participating in Duo festival.

  • News
  • 12:04 PM - 14 March 2012
  • 9 photos

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The young Emirate artist Mansour Zayed is joining the international musical festival organized by Duo in its second season. The festival will be held on the 16th of March in (Boug Khalifa – Setpass tower) and will include a number of the best artists in the world."Mansour" feels the huge responsibility in representing the Gulf's new overlook especially after knowing that the festival administration has selected his counterpart "Amr Diab" to represent Egypt and the Lebanese singer "Assy El Helany" to revive the celebration on the 14th of March.Lately, Mansour has finished shooting his new song "La Hess Wala Khabar" that has taken two days of work. The song is filmed in Lebanon and it is written by Turki El Sherif, composed by Fayez saeed, distributed by Hossam Kamel and directed by the Iraqin director Yasser El Yassery.

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