"The Woman in Black: Angels of Death" is in the works

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  • 11:45 PM - 13 April 2012
  • 2 photos

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Hammer Films has announced they will be producing a second part for their movie "The Woman in Black", which will be entitled "The Woman in Black: Angels of Death", that is due to the success of the first part. However, Daniel Radcliffe, the Harry Potter star, will not be appearing in this one.This part will focus on the same haunted house after 4 decades of the first part, when a new couple comes to live in it, and later discover that it is haunted. It will use the same classic horror techniques the first part used."The Woman in Black" is still in the box office, distributed in Egypt by United Motion Pictures. The movie earned 120 million dollars worldwide, which is a record for this type of classic horror movies.

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