Hanan Mutawe is playing eeny, meeny, miny, mo between Sabahi and Aboul Fotouh!

  • News
  • 09:08 PM - 5 May 2012
  • 1 photo

Actress Hanan Mutawe stated to that she has not decided her vote will go to which presidential candidate. She is currently studying the program for Hamdain Sabahi and Abdel Moneim Aboul Fotouh to decide which is better.Away from politics and back to her career news; Hanan is awaiting the release of her latest two films "Haflet Montasaf Allayl – Midnight Party" with Rania Youssef and "Baad Al Toufan – After the Flood" with Ahmed Azmi. She also said that she hasn't decided if she will participate in the new film "Ahyaa W Amwat – Alive and Dead".

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