Physical Brawl Sends Halle Berry and Daughter into Child Protection Services Investigation

  • News
  • 12:34 PM - 25 November 2012
  • 2 photos

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Halle Berry sustained a number of light injures following a physical brawl between her current fiance, French Canadian actor Olivier Martinez, and Gabriel Aubry, her ex and the father of her 4-year-old daughter Nahla.

The fight erupted in front of Berry's home on Thanksgiving, when Gabriel dropped Nahla off at her mother's house -- a standard procedure when two parents have shared custody. However, a verbal altercation between Aubry and Olivier soon escalated to a physical one, and the punches started to fly. All of this happened in front of the young Nahla, before Berry whisked her away. Berry then attempted to separate them, but was injured in the process. Both men were hospitalized for non-life threatening injuries.

Aubry was released on a $20,000 bail and is now facing charges for assault and battery. According to, Halle Berry will pursue an extended protection order against Aubry, arguing that after starting a fight in front of his child, he is unable to control himself.

Previously in the "Cloud Atlas" star's custody saga, judges rejected her request to move with Nahla to France earlier this month. is now reporting that Nahla will become part of a Child Protection Services investigation in Los Angeles, given this most recent outburst and a history of strife and abuse allegations in the family.

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