Mohamad Ramadan & the National Circus: Filming "Heart of the Lion"

  • News
  • 11:06 AM - 16 February 2013
  • 1 photo

Star on the rise Mohamed Ramadan has started production on his new feature "Qalb el Asad" (Heart of the Lion) with the National Circus in Agouza. Ramadan's character is a cleaner who specifically cleans lions' cages.

At the same time, Ramadan is also recording songs for the film with the help of the band "Al Madfageya," whose members include Desel, Shandy, Dolsika and Fo'osh. The songs are composed and distributed by Desel.

"Heart of the Lion" is being directed by Ismail Farouk and produced by Ahmed El Sobky. Hossam Mousa penned the script.

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