Hugh Jackman to Play Spurned Lover in "Six Years"

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  • 06:42 PM - 19 March 2013
  • 1 photo

The bearded and beloved Hugh Jackman has reportedly signed on to star in "Six Years," a drama adapted from Harlan Coben's forthcoming novel by the same name.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the Wolverine will be playing Jake Fisher, who is a lovelorn college professor whose former flame gets married to another guy. Six years later, he comes across his obituary in the newspaper, and decides to show up at the funeral and catch a glimpse of the one who got away. He discovers that his old flame, Natalie, is not the woman he remembered, making him question his perception of events.

Jackman, a gleaming link, was nominated for his first Oscar for " Les Miserables" this year.

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