Sabrine Surprized by the Change of her Series' Title to "Sataer El Khouf"

  • News
  • 07:50 AM - 19 September 2013
  • 1 photo

When asked about her new series “Sataer El Khouf,”(Fear Curtains) and when will she presume shooting her scenes, actress Sabrine was surprised and said that she doesn't know any series with this name. Afterwards she discovered that the series she's working on which was titled “Arwah Manseya” (Forgotten souls) and then “Ketat Al Madina”(City Cats) has finally been changed to “Sataer El Khouf” without her knowledge.

Sabrine said that the new title is more suitable for the drama series than the previous ones. She added that she has only six days of shooting left but she doesn't know when the shooting will be resumed.

Working on “Sataer El Khouf” stopped before last Ramadan and it came out of the holy month season. Sabrine costars Ezzat El Alaily, Faras Ibrahim, and Amal Rezq. The drama series is written by Nabil Melhem and directed by Samir Hussein.

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