Paul Greengrass to Receive Variety Award Next Month

  • News
  • 11:56 AM - 26 November 2013
  • 1 photo

Director Paul Greengrass awaitsa new honoring that will be added to his long list of accolades thathe has received throughout his career, as it was announced yesterdaythat the Captain Phillips director will be receiving the Varietyaward at the Moët British Independent Film Awards on Dec. 8.

The award recognizes a director,actor, writer or producer who has helped to shine the internationalspotlight on the U.K. Greengrass will join a long list of pastrecipients including Jude Law (who was honored last year), director Kenneth Branagh, actors Liam Neeson, Michael Caine, Daniel Craig and Helen Mirren, among others.

Greengrass' latest film“Captain Phillips” was welcomed with widespread critical acclaim,and is expected to earn a lot of titles in the upcoming awardsseason. Greengrass was foremerly awarded Berlin's Golden Bear for hisfilm “Bloody Sunday,” and an Academy Award nomination for “United93."

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