Iman Elbahr Darwish Threatens To Sue "Al Tagamoa" Party For Grandfather's Sake

  • News
  • 10:34 PM - 9 June 2015
  • 1 photo

Singer and songwriter Iman Elbahr Darwish has stated his deep resentment towards what Al Tagamoa political party have done to his grandfather and legendary singer/composer Sayed Darwish's name, after they have named a talent hunting festival that turned out to be a catastrophe after him.

Darwish junior has requested that his grandfather's name gets substituted by another name, as he considered the actual event to be "degrading".

He also warned that he might be forced to use the law against the party if they did not comply with his request, adding that he does not mind any entity using Sayed's name as long as it dubs something of any value.

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