Title Content: Movie - Ard el Nifaq - 1968


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Masoud Abu Al-Saad is an ordinary employee who is married but is unable to change his life. He runs into a shop that sells morals and sees that ugly morals have been sold out,so he buys some good morals, but after he tries them, he loses everything, which forces him to buy ugly morals like hypocrisy.

Mosa'ad Abul Soud is government employed married man, but he isn't able to change his life that he truely dislikes. By chance, he finds a store where "Manners" are sold, and he sees that "Bad Manners" have been sold out, so he buys some good manners. After he swallows the "manners" tablets, he finds that he can't deal with people and that he lost everything including his job. So he returns to the store to find that bad manners are now abailable, so he buys some "Hypocrisy" tablets, which help him get his job back and get promoted, quickly increasing his power and wealth, while also his wife changes the way she looks at him and even loves him more than before. But, things go wrong and he mistakenly swallows an honesty pill, and goes around insulting hypocrits and making scandals, and he goes back to losing everything and gets certain that nothing is going to change now. So, he steals a huge amount of "Kindness" pills from the manners store and he throws them into the main water supply for the city, and so all the citie's inhabitants change to the best, and life in the city becomes very beautiful, only for a short period of time, after which eveyrything goes back to normal again.