Episodes: Series - Bent El Belad 2 - 2022

  • season 2
  • episode #1

1st Episode

Suleiman treats Aisha after she attempted to commit suicide and have an abortion for refusing Salman's marriage to Sarah besides her, after which she asks for a divorce. Meanwhile, Dawia admires Suleiman and tries hard to reach him.


  • season 2
  • episode #2

2nd Episode

The Hajj and Umm Al-Khair convince Aisha not to get a divorce or have an abortion. Abu Salman (Salman's father) quarrels with his son over his drunkenness. Qamra warns Hezia against her relationship with Saeed, who works with the mafia, while Karim threatens to kill them.


  • season 2
  • episode #3

3rd Episode

Umm Al-Khair wants Hezia and El Hadi to tie the knot, while Aisha listens to her father-in-law and tries to return to her husband to spite Sarah.


  • season 2
  • episode #4

4th Episode

The Hajj quarrels with Saeed, thinking that he is a traitor. Rosa tells Aisha that she is pregnant, after which the latter quarrels with Sarah, who causes her to fall off the stairs.


  • season 2
  • episode #5

5th Episode

Hezia tells El Hadi that she doesn't want to marry him, so he goes to quarrel with Saeed, who beats him severely. Salman is overjoyed when Aisha forgives Sarah.


  • season 2
  • episode #6

6th Episode

Umm Al-Khair wants to come between Amir and Rosa, while Saeed runs away after beating El Hadi. Louisa quarrels with Hezia because she told El Hadi about her relationship with Saeed.


  • season 2
  • episode #7

7th Episode

El Hadi awakens from the coma and loses his memory. Saeed leaves with Jaloul, while Ruqayya remembers how she previously sought help from Umm Al-Khair to hide her in the house of El Sabti and his wife.


  • season 2
  • episode #8

8th Episode

As Rosa quarrels with Amir, Aisha tries to patch things up between them, while the Hajj beats Hezia and admonishes Louisa for her daughter's relationship with Saeed. El Hadi is still suffering from amnesia and treats everyone as if he has known them for ten years.


  • season 2
  • episode #9

9th Episode

After the Hajj's house burns down, he takes his family to a house he inherited from his grandfather. Sarah is afraid to sleep in this house, believing that there are ghosts, while Umm Al-Khair and Louisa make fun of her.


  • season 2
  • episode #10

10th Episode

Rosa quarrels with Sarah and asks her not to offend Aisha, while Qamra tells El Hadi that Hezia was engaged to him, but she broke off the engagement, upon which El Hadi grieves and cries.


  • season 2
  • episode #11

11th Episode

As Umm Al-Khair and Louisa quarrel and remember the past, Fatoum tries to reconcile them, while Dawia asks the fortune-teller to foresee her luck with Suleiman. Hezia grows attached to El Hadi after he has become a kindhearted man.


  • season 2
  • episode #12

12th Episode

El Hadi asks Qamra to help him make amends with those whom he has previously wronged, after which Jaloul's men kidnap Qamra, thinking that she is Hezia. Rosa quarrels with Sarah.


  • season 2
  • episode #13

13th Episode

Saeed tells his father that the girl he kidnapped is Qamra and not Hezia, whereupon his father tries to commit suicide, but his son prevents him. Meanwhile, Ruqayya decides to take revenge on the Hajj's family by causing trouble between Louisa and Umm Al-Khair.


  • season 2
  • episode #14

14th Episode

Saeed quarrels with Qamra and slaps her, and Jaloul makes sure that he won't leave him. Fatoum takes the Hajj's phone and hides it from him, while Amir is angry with Rosa for hiding what happened to Hezia.


  • season 2
  • episode #15

15th Episode

Qamra asks Saeed to take her back to the village, while the Hajj orders his men to search for her. Hezia confesses to El Hadi about her relationship with Saeed. Salam tells El Hadi that Saeed was the one who hit him on the head.


  • season 2
  • episode #16

16th Episode

As Qamra quarrels with Jaloul over the restriction of her movements, she asks him to take her back to the village. Dawia tells Fatoum that she loves Suleiman and has no preconditions for marrying him, but he doesn't love her back.


  • season 2
  • episode #17

17th Episode

Qamra asks Jaloul and Issa to buy her new clothes, while Salam meets Umm Al-Khair in her room and tries to comfort her due to Qamra's kidnapping.


  • season 2
  • episode #18

18th Episode

Rosa quarrels with Amir because he does not trust her and accuses her of causing trouble. Salam defends Sarah, while Louisa seeks to get close to the Hajj. Aisha kicks Salam out of her room and refuses to let him stay with her.


  • season 2
  • episode #19

19th Episode

As Dawia tries to get Suleiman to marry her, she talks to El Hadi and gives him a memory-boosting drink. Salam quarrels with Sarah.


  • season 2
  • episode #20

20th Episode

Hezia and El Hadi's relationship grows stronger. Rosa is unaware of Amir's deception of her and his marriage to Qamra, while Fatoum reports all the news to Umm Al-Khair.


  • season 2
  • episode #21

21st Episode

Saeed threatens Jaloul that he'll inform on him, while Salam fights with Sarah and divorces her.


  • season 2
  • episode #22

22nd Episode

Saeed returns to the Hajj's house with Qamra and asks him for forgiveness, but the Hajj kicks him out, upon which Fatoum begs the Hajj to accept him in the house. Salman learns that Sarah is Jaloul's daughter, while Amir gets close to Rosa and tries to restore their relationship as it was before.


  • season 2
  • episode #23

23rd Episode

Louisa advises Rosa to have children to keep her place in the house. Salam returns to Aisha after leaving Sarah, while the Hajj wants to punish Qamra and have Saeed imprisoned.


  • season 2
  • episode #24


Amir tells his mother and Rosa that he will not agree to marry Qamra, despite the insistence of the Hajj, and decides to live in a separate house, while the relationship between Salam and Aisha grows stronger.
