Wadima wa Halima 3  (2024)  Wadima and Halima S3


In season three, Wadima and her neighbor Halima continue their mishaps and disagreements that do not stop, as each of them tries to pull a new prank on the other, while Faraj and his son Salem try to...Read more reconcile between them.

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Episodes (30 episodes)

  • episode #1:

    Salem likes Asmaa, Wadima's daughter. The latter returns from a trip and is surprised by Halima placing animal food in front of her door. She quarrels with the servant, Selim, for renting her house to Halima to use it as a barn.


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In season three, Wadima and her neighbor Halima continue their mishaps and disagreements that do not stop, as each of them tries to pull a new prank on the other, while Faraj and...Read more his son Salem try to reconcile between them.


  • Category:
  • Series

  • Is this a coloured title?:
  • Yes

  • Episodes:
  • 30 episodes (more)

