Diab has not Left Egypt

  • News
  • 11:02 AM - 8 February 2011
  • 2 photos

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Musician Yahya al-Mougy, a member of ‘Amr Diab’s band, has refuted claims which have circulated recently regarding ‘Amr Diab’s departure from Egypt in the face of the extraordinary circumstances which the country is facing. Al-Mougy has asserted that ‘Amr Diab is present at his home and is continuing creative activities in addition to protecting his home and family alongside vigilante groups – much like all other Egyptian citizens.In that same regard, al-Mougy has further added that it is expected that Diab will release another title in the coming days. Diab will make use of his new title to express his views regarding the revolution and the youths who made it happen, in addition to rebuffing any false claims which could damage his standing in the community.

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