Tamer ‘Aashour Writes: I Am not Responsible for the Shameful Conduct of “Rotana”

  • News
  • 02:34 PM - 13 February 2011
  • 1 photo

Tamer has written the following: “To Egypt’s faithful youths, the youths who restored our national spirit and brought victory to the people of Egypt. The same youths who chose to determine their own fate in a respectable and civilized manner and who restored hope in reform to millions in addition to honoring the martyrs of the revolution… I apologize to all of you for what “Rotana” has done by publishing my album in Gulf states and on the internet. This has happened without my knowledge and consent. I was surprised when a friend of mine contacted me and told me that my album has in fact been released and was circulated on the internet. At the time I was following events in Egypt with my thoughts completely removed from my work and my concentration focused on my country, homeland and on Egypt’s youth whom I belong to. I was also looking for ways to participate effectively in this glorious and unique revolution.“The position adopted by the Rotana company is quite strange as I consider their releasing an album in this period an insult to myself and to Egypt’s youth and people as a whole due to the fact that the prevailing circumstances do not permit preoccupation with personal interests and the release of albums.“I cannot think of what to say but to declare to everyone that I am not responsible in any way for the decision to release an album at this time. I also declare that I consider the release of the album an insult to myself, my country and to all of Egypt’s people. I believe that what they have done indicates lack of respect for Egypt, artists and the Egyptian people. In conclusion, I would like to wish stability and reform for all of us and that we remain united in building an Egypt that preserves its distinguished status.”

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