Jamaal Soulaymaan returns to Syria to check on the situation closely

  • News
  • 10:50 AM - 25 June 2011
  • 2 photos

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Syrian actor Jamaal Soulaymaan had to halt filming his upcoming TV series “Al-shawaare’ al-khalfeyya i.e. Backstreets”, in order travelling to Syria to check on the situation closely, as he was living a state of permanent anguish of what happening in his homeland. He travelled on Wednesday, June 22, 2011.Soulaymaan said that in recent times he used to travel frequently to Syria, which makes him divide his time between Cairo and Damascus.He will return next week to resume shooting his role in “Al-shawaare’al-khalfeyya” in “Studio Misr”, where he plays the role of a police officer who refused to open fire on demonstrators against the English occupation, was then punished and was subject to a compulsory retirement. It is scheduled to broadcast the series during Ramadaan.The series is also starring Laila ‘Elwy, in addition to Saamy al-‘Adl, Jehan Fadel, Mahmoud al-Gendy, Ahmad Salaama and Houreyya Farghaly. Gamaal Abdul Hameed’s “Backstreets” is an adaptation of a novel with the same name written by the great Abdul Rahmaan al-Sharkaawy, script-written by Medhat al-‘Adl.

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