Footage : Why “El Laithy” said “No”

  • News
  • 01:25 AM - 31 July 2011
  • 4 photos

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TV host Amr El Laithy completed shooting his program “No” that will play in Tahrir channel. The program is produced by Ahmed Samir and Amr El Feky, and directed by Walid Mahmoud. Preparation for this program was made by Samah Abdel Rahman, Sahar Al Gaar, Mohamed Abdel Aziz, Ahmed Shawki and Ahmed Khaled. The idea of the program is about the word “no” in the life of celebrities and politicians, why and when do they say “no” and whether they regret it or not. The program will play during the month of Ramadan. Some of the guests on the show are Singer Hakeem, actress Youssra, actor Amr Waked , Mahmoud El Guindi, Khaled Nabawi, musician Amaar El Sheraii, and many more.

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