Khaled Saleh : I tried not to be influenced by the personality of “Ahmed Al Rayan”

  • News
  • 10:02 PM - 25 August 2011
  • 3 photos

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Actor Khaled Saleh explains the reason for adopting the series “Al Rayan” was because he was more interested in reflecting a certain economic era that Egypt had to undergo in the past, as opposed to a political drama. Khaled was interested in demonstrating the solidarity of a regular Egyptian family in facing all the hardships that they encountered. In an interview with newspaper “Al Masry Al Yoom” Khaled denied any personal involvement he might feel or have towards the real “Ahmed Al Rayan”, he explains that he was not at any point in time judging him. He only portrayed the series in an objective manner that demonstrated how he influenced the people and the economy during the 80’s.Khaled adds that the only time her met Ahmed Al Rayan was during the press conference they had for the series. He was surprised to see a totally different “Rayan” to the one he imagined. The man he saw was a worn out tired man after his experience in prison. Khaled refused to be influenced by such character as this is not at all the character of Al Rayan during the 80’s.

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