The Boss, reassembles Nagi Attalah's Squad after Eid

  • News
  • 10:24 PM - 3 September 2011
  • 1 photo

After a long break and plenty of rest during Ramadan and Eid, cast and crew for the television series "Nagi Attallah's Squad" were reassembled by the boss, legendary "Adel Imam" to continue shooting the rest of the episodes. Imam hopes to finish the series before the end of the year. He is not certain whether he will play the series next Ramadan 2012 or create a season for it and play it individually outside Ramadan.Cast and crew will finalize the remaining scenes and then head to Beirut for a month and a half to complete shooting the series there.The series is produced by Safwat Ghattas and directed by Ramy Imam. Starring in the movie is legendary Adel Imam. Anoshka, Mohamed Imam,Haitham Ahmed Zaki , Ahmed El Saadany , Amr Ramzy and Ahmed Tohamy

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