For security reasons “Nagi Attallah’s Squad” replaces Syria with Lebanon for security reasons.

  • News
  • 10:52 AM - 18 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Shooting the scenes for Adel Imam’s new series “Nagi Attallah’s Squad” will continue in Lebanon instead of Syria for security reasons. Places that resemble physical appearance in Syria will be replaced by almost identical places in Lebanon.Adel Imam is intending to complete shooting the scenes within weeks from now according to his agreement with producer Safwat Ghattas, so the series will be ready long before Ramadan, whether it will play during Ramadan or during any other season.The movie is about a man who worked in the Egyptian embassy in Israel,and when he once made a statement against Israel, his life changed upside down only for him to go back to Egypt and assemble his own squad and plan a bank robbery in Israel. The series is produced by Safwat Ghattas and directed by Ramy Imam. Some of the many costars and stars in the series are Anoshka, Mohamed Adel Imam, Haitham Ahmed Zaki, Ahmed El Sadaani, Amr Ramzy and Ahmed Tohamy.

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