“Nagi Attallah’s Squad” returns to Cairo in 2 weeks

  • News
  • 02:30 PM - 25 October 2011
  • 1 photo

Infamous Adel Imam is almost done with shooting the scenes of his new movie “Nagi Attallah’s Squad” in Lebanon to make the remaining time of filming left in Lebanon, 2 weeks only.Completing the scenes shot in Lebanon means that there will be only a few weeks left to complete shooting the whole series, leaving only some outside scenes left to be filmed in Cairo upon the cast’s return. After that, director Ramy Imam will start the editing procedures so the episodes can be ready and ahead of time before Ramadan 2012, regardless whether the series will play during Ramadan or earlier that year.The story of the series is about Nagi Attallah who worked as a security personnel in the Egyptian embassy in Tel Aviv, and upon his return to Egypt plots a bank robbery in Tel Aviv. This series is considered a strong come back to television for legendary Adel Imam after 32 years of avoiding television and focusing on cinema only. His most recent television series was 32 years ago in the year 1980 called “Tears in Daring Eyes” or “Domoo Fi Oyoom Wakeha” that was also related to Israel. “Nagi Attallah’s Squad” is produced by Safwat Ghattas, and directed by Ramy Imam son of Adel Imam. Acting opposite Adel Imam in the series is Anoshka, Mohamed Imam, Haitham Ahmed Zaki, Ahmed El Sadany, Amr Ramzy and Ahmed Tohamy.

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