The revolution returns singer Aida El Ayoobi with 2 new albums

  • News
  • 01:31 PM - 22 December 2011
  • 1 photo

After 12 years of absence from the scene ever since the nineties , singer Aida El Ayoobi was triggered by the events of the January revolution to return back to her profession with the hit single “I love you my country” or “Bahebek ya baladi”. During the second wave of the revolution in November she issued another single called “Oh Midan” or “Ya Al Midan”. The public’s reaction to the 2 hit singles was very positive to the extent that Aida expressed her intention to produce 2 whole albums.According to a statement she made to “Al Quds” newspaper, her first album will be of a patriotic nature where it will include the 2 hit singles and many more national and patriotic songs that now have a much more sound effect and meaning than before the revolution. As for the second album, this will be of a religious nature. Aida has been working on it for 2 years and has just completed it in February, and should be released during the Prophet’s birthday. The album includes 7 songs chosen from the poetry of Powdaret Al Boosery, where Aida has musically composed all of them.

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