African Cartoon films, recognized for the first time after 75 years!

  • News
  • 11:51 AM - 22 January 2012
  • 1 photo

After 75 years of the making, the African Animation Films are being recognized for the first time after the management of Luxor African Film Festival decided to celebrate it. This celebration is with the collaboration of the African branch of the International Animated Film Society ASIFA by showing 20 cartoons as part of the festival's events. The films of this celebration include films by Nigerian director Mostafa Al Hassan who is considered the god father for this art in African. Also, films by African migrants living in Canada, USA and France will be showing as part of the festival events. A symposium run by Dr. Mohamed Ghazaleh, ASIFA's Egypt office director, will be taking place during the festival to discuss the history of this art in Africa. Script writer and Festival president Sayid Foad announced the Egyptian films participating in the Short Feature Films and Documentaries competition which are "Hawas- Senses" by Mohamad Ramadan, "Gild Hay – Live Skin" by Fawzi Saleh, "Mawlood fee 25 Jan – Born on 25 Jan" by Ahmed Rashwn, "ALsomal..Ard Alarwah Alsherira – Somalia, Land of Evil Spirits" by Mona Iraqi and "Ahad Sokkan Al Qahira- A Cairo's Citizen". Foad also said that he is still in the process of choosing a Long Feature Film that will be participating in the Long Feature Films and Documentaries.On the other hand, "Asmaa" by Amr Salama and "Kaf El Amar" by Khaled Yousef will be displayed as side events in the Festival.

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