With pictures: Conclusion of "Ebdaa El Alam El Araby" festival

  • News
  • 08:47 AM - 28 April 2012
  • 5 photos

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The very first "Ebdaa El Alam El Araby" Festival or "Creativity of the Arab World" Festival concluded with honouring the Great actress Esaad Younis, Former Minister of Culture Emad Abou Ghazy, Producer Mohamed El Adl, General director of Syndicate of Artists Dr. Nabil Rezk, artistic director and founder of "Egyptian deaf dance theatre company" Reda Abdel Azeez. The festival was attended by a great array of poets, authors and artists whether from the Arab world or overseas, sponsored by Overseas Arabic Alliance for Creativity in France.The festival ran from 25th of April to the 27th on El Shams' club theatre in Cairo. "Samteen" dance theatre group presented the opening number for the festival entitled "Cleopatra maleket el malekat", choreographed and directed by Reda Abdel Azeez. All attendees assured that the group stole the show and received all kinds of respect and appreciation, as everyone gave them a standing ovation.Esaad Younis expressed her great delight to attend the festival saying that it is a great initiative, and praised the efforts of "El samteen" group and their director. She thanked him for taking the time and effort to found a great artistic and human entity of this impressive magnitude. She believes that we can take on ignorance and racism that is encouraged by those who want to bring our art down by embracing culture and creativity.Mohamed El-Adl also expressed his pleasure to attend and praised "El Samteen" as well for being a unique experience only in Egypt. He added that the group plays an active role in defending freedom of art and creativity.At the end of the festival, members of "El Samteen" group raised banners reading "No to oppressing freedom of thoughts. Yes to freedom of expression" to support Adel Emam in his case of Islamic abuse, and also to support other artists and in order to plead for freedom of artistic creations.

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