King Bieber Visits Great Wall of China, Has Manservants Carry Him

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  • 04:44 PM - 1 October 2013
  • 1 photo

There are moments when us earthly creatures realize how fundamentally otherworldly and ludicrous the lives of celebrities can become. This is one of those moments. Pop singer Justin Bieber visited the Great Wall of China on Monday while on a tour stop. But Bieber didn't walk the famed historical steps. He had his bodyguards hoist him up and carry him for a portion of the visit.

The above picture was circulated on social media (it was originally posted by Bieber himself), and though the 19-year-old has millions of blindly adoring tween fans, the voices of dismay were not scant among the thousands of reactions. One Twitter user wrote, "Justin, dude, u actually asked people to carry you? Someone's going a little diva I see." Another, "I feel for Justin's bodyguards."

The star's antics of late have become increasingly puerile, with reports of him urinating in a mop bucket on his way out of a New York City nightclub, and spitting from a Toronto hotel balcony. He was also photographed skateboarding around Beijing, with two of his bodyguards chasing after him.

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