Unfortunately: Bieber's Not Retiring

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  • 01:47 PM - 19 December 2013
  • 1 photo

Justin Bieberhas denied the rumor ofhis retirement, saying that he'll just take a break from the musicindustry. The 19-year-old teen idol has saidearlier in a radio interview: "After the new album, I'm actuallyretiring man. I'm retiring."

Asource close to the singer said lately: "he just raised $1.2million inthe Philippines this week, his movie's premiering tonight, he has anew album - he's not going anywhere, everything's fine."

It seemslike we'll suffer again of the teenager's Buzz all around for a while. 'Iwant to grow as an artist and I'm taking a step out, I want my musicto mature,' he said at the interview, well we all hope so.

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