Competition To Choose “31st Alexandria Film Festival” Poster

  • News
  • 07:22 PM - 16 January 2015
  • 1 photo

The Egyptian Association of Film Writers and Critics has decided to organize a large competition open for artists from Alexandria, to design the poster for the upcoming 31st Alexandria Film Festival, which will take place from the 3rd to the 9th of coming September, under the auspices of Gaber Assfour, the Egyptian minister of culture, and Alexandria's governor, Mg. Tareq Al Mahdy.

The association set guidelines for the design, which include it being relevant to the city where the festival will take place, and that it should blend between cinematic language and the culture and heritage of Alexandria, and include an original and genuine idea. The competition is open to all age ranges, and a financial reward will be given to the final chosen winning design.

In other news, the call for candidates for membership of the association was closed. The association, headed by critic Amir Abaza, is planning to renew a third of its members, instead of those who have left their seats. The number of candidates reached 13 before the call was closed, from which only 4 will be chosen.

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