Title Content: Movie - Al Ard - 1970


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Set in 1933, the mayor informs the peasants that the share of irrigation of their land will be split equally between them and feudal lord Mahmoud Bey. The peasants send Muhammad Effendi to submit a petition to the government. Then Mahmoud Bey proposes a project that would require taking part of the peasants' lands.

Revolving in an Egyptian village, the mayor informs the village by the new irrigation instructions. They will split their water with the new feudal lord. Furthermore the lord wants to pave a road linking his palace to the main street which is going to be on peasants land. The peasants resist both the irrigation rules and the loss of their lands to the road leading to the government sending troops to the village to restore order. An adaptation of the famous novel carrying the same name and written by Abd AlRahman AlSharkawy.


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An Egyptian village resist the feudal lord who wants to put new irrigation instructions and pave a road to link his palace to the main one.