Title Content: Movie - El Talata Yeshtghalonha - 2010


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Nagiba is a gifted student who is forced to work as a teacher while she completes her college education. She meets three guys who take advantage of her naiveté to serve their own interests, until Nagiba finds out what they are doing.

The film is about a conflict between one girl and three men at the same time resulting in a series of comic situations. The picture discusses a serious and recent phenomenon in Eastern societies. Most men seem to depend financially on women, in a way that is unprecedented for the culture. They are not even ashamed enough to be discreet about it.

This picture tackles a phenomenon that is new to the Middle East. Men have started relying on the women in their lives for financial support to a degree which is previously unprecedented. Thus, the movie depicts the story of one woman that is being chased down by three men she knows. A sense of shame would have restricted their behavior in the past, but it appears that this is no longer the case.