Title Content: Movie - Arn: The Knight Templar - 2007


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Arn Magnusson is the son of a powerful Swedish nobleman, he's raised in a monastery where he is trained to be a warrior. When Arn returns to his family, he is sent to the Holy Land as a knight templar, where he must fight against the Saracens.

The film is a 2007 epic picture based on Jan Guillou’s fictional Swedish Knight Templar Arn Magnusson. The title’s hero, Arn Magnusson, is a member of the powerful Swedish Folkung dynasty. As a youth he grew up in a monastery where he was trained in archery, horsemanship and swordsmanship by a former Knight Templar. When Arn returns home after his period at the monastery he finds that his house is in conflict with various factions vying for the crown of the Kingdom of Sweden. Soon after getting involved in the infighting Arn and his fiancée Cecilia are excommunicated and ordered to devote themselves to twenty years of penitence. Thus, Arn leaves for the Holy Hand in order to campaign against the Muslims. After arriving at the Holy Land, Arn comes across Saladin. However, rather than killing him, Arn saves his life instead. Afterwards, Arn inflicts a military defeat against Saladin’s forces in an ambush. Although Arn had gained the right to return home he is forbidden from doing so and is forced to remain in the Holy Land. Subsequently, Arn and a crusader force are defeated by Saladin. Saladin repays Arn’s previous favor by healing his wounds. Thereafter, Arn returns home to Sweden and reunites with Cecilia and his son.