Title Content: Movie - Fighting - 2009


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Shawn MacArthur is a small time counterfeiter who enters the world of underground street fighting, as he starts earning money and winning fights, he must face an old rival.

This picture is an action film directed by Dito Montiel. The production stars Channing Tatum, Terrence Howard and Luis Guzman among others. Shawn MacArthur (Channing Tatum) is a New York City street hustler. He is attacked by a group of youth who want him to relocate with his merchandise. Shawn succeeds in fighting them off, but they manage to run away with his money and merchandise. Soon afterwards, Shawn sees the youth that robbed him sitting with their leader, Harvey Boarden (Terrence Howard), at a café. Shawn confronts them and Harvey agrees to give him his money back. Perhaps because he was impressed by his attitude, Harvey offers Shawn a chance to fight for a ‘winner takes all’ outcome. Shawn accepts and thus begins his career as a fighter.