Episodes: Series - Saheb Al-Saada - 2014

  • season 1
  • episode #1

episode #1

Bahgat and his family live an affluent life. He discovers that his daughter's husband has cheated on her and promises his daughter to handle the problem.


  • season 1
  • episode #2

episode #2

Bahgat tries to help his grandchildren in exams. On his way to his grandchildren's school, Bahgat meets Hassan and his wife and he takes them to the hospital as the wife is in labor. Bahgat pays the hospital expenses.


  • season 1
  • episode #3

episode #3

Bossi refuses to marry, thinking that all men are unfaithful. Bossi and Bahgat meet an officer who gets in a fight with Bahgat while securing the minister's motorcade. Bahgat's grandchildren set the neighbor's house on fire, and the police come, but Bahgat solves the problem.


  • season 1
  • episode #4

episode #4

The officer reconciles Bahgat and his neighbor. The Minister of Interior rejects the request of the Minister of Sports to secure a football match, due to the political events that the country is going through.


  • season 1
  • episode #5

episode #5

Bahgat meets an old friend who embraces him in the supermarket, which provokes his wife Aisha who beats the lady. The lady reports Bahgat and Aisha to the police, and the police officer Saif tries to resolve the problem amicably.


  • season 1
  • episode #6

episode #6

Sawsan helps Saif uncover the robbery of the famous broadcaster's villa after he is appointed by the Interior Minister to handle it. Bahgat meets his son-in-law Ramzi, who has married a dancer to bring him to his senses.


  • season 1
  • episode #7

episode #7

Bahgat and Hassan are arrested by mistake on charges of engaging in immoral acts, after Bahgat goes to the dancer Bahega, trying to convince her to stay away from Ramzi in exchange for money.


  • season 1
  • episode #8

episode #8

Aisha demands a divorce as she learns of the charge for which Bahgat is arrested, but he tries to calm her down telling her it's a misunderstanding. Bahgat's kids, spouses, and grandchildren demand Bahgat's release organizing a large demonstration.


  • season 1
  • episode #9

episode #9

The children ask Bahgat to apologize to Aisha. Bahgat tries to reassure Hassan. Officer Saif still hides from everyone that he is the son of the Interior Minister and that he has problems with his parents. He gets to know Bahgat's daughter, Bossi.


  • season 1
  • episode #10

episode #10

The Interior Minister returns to work after he recovers, and broadcaster Amal tells him that her son has been kidnapped by his father and that she accuses the ministry of having a hand in the incident. Ramzi apologizes to Bahgat asking him to go back to his wife, and Bossi asks her mother to come home.


  • season 1
  • episode #11

episode #11

Bahgat asks Hassan to stay in the villa after the landlord expels him. General Wageda decides to stay at her sister's house after her husband, Interior Minister, transfers her elsewhere. Bahgat apologizes to his old girlfriend for his wife's behavior.


  • season 1
  • episode #12

episode #12

Saif apologizes to Bossi for the behavior of his ex-girlfriend and tells his parents that he wants to get married. Ramzi tries to apologize to Bahega but she refuses to return to him, and her mother tries to reconcile them.


  • season 1
  • episode #13

episode #13

Everyone celebrates Bahega's birthday and her mother Aisha tries to convince her to return to work. Bossi tells her father Bahgat that Officer Saif wants to marry her and that he is the son of the Interior Minister.


  • season 1
  • episode #14

episode #14

Saif asks Bahgat to marry Bossi and Saif agrees to his wish that his daughter will continue to live with him even after her marriage. As the Interior Minister meets with the ultras' youth, Wageda asks him to transfer her to the railway police and he promises to consider it.


  • season 1
  • episode #15

episode #15

Chef Shalaby goes with Farah to present a cooking program, but the channel rejects him and accepts Farah. Bahgat tries to console him. The family's lawyer tells Zahra that her husband has filed a custody case. Bigo is arrested at a demonstration.


  • season 1
  • episode #16

episode #16

Bahgat celebrates his wife Aisha's birthday at his villa and invites the Interior Minister, his wife and their son Saif who proposes to Bahgat's daughter. Comic events ensue as the party is Indian-themed.


  • season 1
  • episode #17

episode #17

The Interior Minister is still outraged by Bahgat's actions after the party held at his home and asks his son Saif to stay away from Bahgat's daughter, especially after some activists circulate pictures on social media of the minister amid monkeys and snakes.


  • season 1
  • episode #18

episode #18

Bahgat insists that his daughter marry Officer Saif. Hayat is convinced of her husband's opinion to sell their father's house and cut ties with her sister Aisha after they refused their son's proposal to Bossi. Bahgat decides to break the deposit to buy her share at the house.


  • season 1
  • episode #19

episode #19

As Bahgat is arrested for the check case, Saif tries to ask his father to release him, but he refuses. All members of the family try to collect the loan amount, and release Bahgat. Nora's husband takes custody of their children.


  • season 1
  • episode #20

episode #20

Everyone consoles Nora after her ex-husband takes her children. Wageda thinks she can keep her son Saif away from Bossi if he marries Naira, the sister of his brother-in-law, and General Farouk loves the idea.


  • season 1
  • episode #21

episode #21

Bahgat and his family celebrate teacher Hassan's birthday and reconcile him with his wife. General Wageda fails to keep Saif away from Bossi, as Saif goes to her father Bahgat and formally proposes to her.


  • season 1
  • episode #22

episode #22

As Bahgat holds the wedding of Bossi and Saif despite the objection of the latter's father, he is surprised when the bank seizes his villas and expels him and his family, so he goes to the house of Aisha's family in El-Warraq.


  • season 1
  • episode #23

episode #23

As Bahgat and his family move into Aisha family's home in the poor neighborhood, Abdo El Assad is helping them adapt to the new place.


  • season 1
  • episode #24

episode #24

Bakri asks Aisha to convince Bossi to marry him. Abdo El Assad forces Bahgat to pay him in exchange for protecting him and his family from thieves.


  • season 1
  • episode #25

episode #25

Bahgat and his family clean and revamp the old house. Molotof exploits Bahgat and his family financially and makes his son Azouz get closer to Bossi.


  • season 1
  • episode #26

episode #26

Farah searches for Shalaby after he disappeares. Shalaby gets a chance to present a big cooking program. Zahra refuses to return to Fares.


  • season 1
  • episode #27

episode #27

Fares decides to leave the children to Zahra and travel. Ehab is arrested by the police in demonstrations and deported to prison. Farouk discovers that Saif has put in a good word for Ehab.


  • season 1
  • episode #28

episode #28

Bahgat tries to convince Soad to get rid of her radical ideas. Saif is transferred to a disciplinary board because of helping Ehab, after which Farouk makes him choose between marrying Bossi or getting dismissed from work.


  • season 1
  • episode #29

episode #29

After Bahgat tries to convince Farouk to enjoy life and change his dismal lifestyle, the latter is convinced of Bahgat's point of view and agrees to the marriage of Saif and Bossi.


  • season 1
  • episode #30


Azouz kidnaps Bahgat to marry Bossi, and Bahgat is released by the police. As Bossi is hospitalized in a serious condition, Bahgat donates his bone marrow to her. Bahgat and his family celebrate the marriage of Bossi and Saif.
