Preacher الواعظ

When an angel and a demon procreate, will their offspring be angelic or demonic? That's unanswerable, but what's answerable is that they have bodiless offspring, only a spirit looking for bodies to possess. The spirit chooses the Texas preacher Jesse, who starts exploring his newfound powers.

Jesse and his friend embark on a journey to find God, but their search embroiles them in a twisted battle that covers heaven, hell, and the inbetween.

Jesse's journey continues as he is forced to go to the location that he has attempted to ignore for his entire life. To face the past and prepare for the future, Jesse needs the help and support of his friends.

While Jesse is haunted by visions of an apocalyptic future and horrors in his heart, he and Tulip prepare to invade Masada, where Cassidy faces a torturous fate.